Top 3 Alejandro Iñárritu movies

Artistic,expressive award winning movies!

4/6/20242 min read

Top 3 Alejandro gonzález Iñárritu movies

His babel,amorres perros and 21 grams are good,thrilling,artistic movies but we are gonna include his best.

1.The Revenant 2015 (Action/thriller)

Cast : Leonardo di caprio,Tom hardy

Hugh Glass, a legendary frontiersman, is severely injured in a bear attack and is abandoned by his hunting crew. His son is dead ,Hugh is seeking revenge for his son from the crew which left him behind. Movie gives us the feeling of thrilling,a cold blood revenge,artistic cold region cinematography ,this movie fills our veins with excitement.

It has also got 3 Academy awards for best directing,for best lead role and cinematography.

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2.Birdman 2014 (Drama)

Cast: Michael Keaton,Emma stone,Edward Norton

Riggan Thompson’s acting carrer is dying ,he has to do something,he is that big black hole of depression ,he is fading away he also has to deal with other personal things.Movie has deep layers of meaning and express a lot of ideas about ambitious drive. This movie also won 3 academy award ,for best director,for best screenplay and best picture.

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3.Babel 2006 (Thriller/Drama)

Cast:Brad Pitt,Kate Blanchett,Rinko Kikuchi

Group of people from different countries face tremendous psychological issues,and the movie is telling us how the characters are connected. This movie is similar with 21 grams and amores perros of the same director.This film express in it’s own layer the deep sadness,loneliness,pain ,so artistic.And actually babel is triology (amorres perros,21 grams).

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babel movie review
babel movie review
birdman movie review
birdman movie review
revenant 2015 movie review
revenant 2015 movie review